Mar 22, 2019


Tips to extend your car battery’s life.

No one wants to experience the unpleasant surprise of a car that refuses to start. The average car battery lasts two to five years, but with a few simple steps, you can beat the odds and extend the life of your vehicle’s battery.

Depending on where you live and drive, weather can take a big toll on a battery. Keep your vehicle parked in a cool, shady spot to reduce the risk of overheating. Of course, colder weather can also put a battery into near-hibernation, so make sure you’re using your vehicle regularly—even just turning on the ignition helps.

No matter the weather, you can help extend your battery’s life by making sure it’s securely fastened, reducing the risk of internal damage or short circuits. While you’re under the hood, treat your battery terminal to a thorough cleaning to keep it free of corrosion.

Modern vehicles utilize more electricity-draining features than ever before. Make sure your headlights and interior lights are all turned off when you exit the vehicle, and whenever possible, minimize your use of MP3 players, smartphones, and on-board computers.

Knowledge is power, and you can keep close tabs on your battery’s life with a car battery tester. If you’re planning to park your vehicle for a longer period, a car battery charger will make sure your vehicle starts without incident when you return.

Taking the time to keep tabs on your vehicle’s battery can save you a headache down the road. The team at Buerkle Acura is always happy to talk about other maintenance strategies to keep your vehicle in great shape.

 Schedule your service appointment today!