Jan 11, 2019

acura resolutions

Resolutions to keep your car in great shape all year long

When the clock strikes midnight, it’s the official start of a new year, which means you have 12 months to fulfill your New Year’s resolutions. Your go-to resolutions might involve improving your physical health, making advances in your career or focusing on a new hobby. But the thing that keeps your life and plans running is your car. Why not resolve to keep it performing well all year long?

Check-in consistently

A resolution to keep your car in great shape requires consistent attention. One oil change, tire pressure check or walk-around will not be enough to fulfill your car care goals for the year. Instead, you have to make a plan to regularly check the health of your tires, the condition of your windshield wipers, the existence of paint scratches, spots or cracks and the strength of the bulbs in your car’s headlights, taillights, turn signals and cabin.

Seek assistance from the experts

The best maintenance guide you can use is your vehicle’s owner’s manual. It outlines everything you need to know about your car. It provides problem-solving tips and maintenance schedules designed to keep every facet of your vehicle in working order. Once you’ve reviewed the instructions in the manual, it’s probably a good time to get a second opinion. A maintenance check with a trained automotive professional will reveal the true health of your vehicle and uncover potential problems. A small fix now could save you from dealing with and paying for a huge problem in the future.

Slow down

Even if your vehicle boasts incredible fuel economy, your driving behaviors can negate your car’s efficiency. Speed demon tendencies and aggressive driving behaviors are unhealthy and potentially unsafe for you and others on the road, and can also cost you money. According to Natural Resources Canada, aggressive driving and speeding can increase your fuel consumption by as much as 35 percent.

Declutter and shine

It’s easy for your car to become a messy catchall of food trash, sports gear, mud, dirt and forgotten homework. But the clutter you carry is more than just an eyesore. An overstuffed trunk can impede your vehicle’s performance, and a cluttered cabin can damage your upholstery. To help protect your car’s performance and the look of your interior, it’s important to declutter and vacuum the interior regularly.

Just as easily as the inside can get out of control, the exterior of your vehicle takes a beating every day. Your car’s paint is vulnerable to all weather from sunshine and rain to wind and snow, and its effects can scratch, chip or damage the paint. To protect your car’s exterior, wash and wax your car regularly. It’s especially important to thoroughly remove snow, ice and road salt from the undercarriage of your car to prevent corrosion.

Make your car a priority when you make your New Year resolutions. By committing to a care and maintenance schedule, you’ll help improve your driving life throughout the year.